Article by Ayo Abbas, Head of Marketing Communications at pi-top.
At pi-top, we’re all about inspiring a generation of makers so it was great to head out to Sydenham High School STEAM Festival which was a careers fair that they hosted in with charity, Cyber Girls First. Along with my colleague Preya Wylie, Head of Support and Customer Success, and as I’m a relative newbie to pi-top, it was one of the first times that I really got to talk to young people about the amazing things that we do at pi-top.
Here’s a summary of the key things that we learnt from talking to young people at the event.
The next generation are super switched on and they care
From talking about the environment, sustainability, history, or a genuine love of maths and coding – what really came across from everyone we talked to was their sheer level of knowledge and the fact that they cared so much. The future generation are super smart, super switched on and they really do care about their future.
They don’t get enough advice on computing, coding and making careers
Preya said: “I talked a lot about the different career paths available and that having a love for maths, science, coding or making are all transferable skills into many careers”. The wide-ranging skills developed through a project based learning approach are highly desirable and really can lead into a whole host of careers opportunities. As an industry, we all should play a part in opening young people’s eyes to the wealth of opportunities out there and not just leave it to the careers service or teaching profession, we all need to inspire a generation.
They are open minded want to talk
Some of the learners we spoke to knew about the Raspberry Pi and some didn't but they were all still very interested and engaged. It was refreshing to talk to young people who were so open to new ideas and to learning.
The overriding conclusion from my first careers fair with pi-top has to be that lots of young people we spoke to loved a range of subjects from history, maths and science so the key thing for us all has to be - how do we create learning frameworks and use project based learning that engages, holds and develops this in order for them to one day make STEAM their career.