The idea.
Sitting in the living-room of their modest London flat, pi-top Founders, Jesse Lozano & Ryan Dunwoody, began thinking about the growing number of computer-based jobs going unfulfilled worldwide. The solution? Make STEM-based curricula accessible to everyone! Thus, began their journey.
They started by turning to the cost-effective Raspberry Pi and home toaster-oven, a peculiar pairing, even for them. Using the oven to solder electronics components and 'blu tack' to piece parts together, they eventually succeeded in building the first Raspberry Pi-based laptop.
Fun fact, the process landed them a feature in the Guinness Book of World Records for building the first ever fully 3D-printed laptop!
The journey.
As with any new business, Jesse & Ryan worked tirelessly, building several prototypes and soon they had a whole team of engineers contributing to a shared objective: to make learning computer science more interesting for everyone.
As their efforts began to grow, they stumbled upon a renovated vehicle-inspection building in East London and thus, the first pi-top 'office' came to be.
pi-top computers were quick to garner attention from educators, makers & hobbyists around the world who enjoyed the customizability with the addition of proto boards, plugin speakers and acrylic-cut cases.

The vision.
Keeping with the desire to make STEAM learning engaging at all levels, the pi-top team has been working with educators from around the world, to better understand their needs and how we can help serve them.
Beginning at the K-12 student-level, all the way through to advanced computer science concepts, we have developed courses, challenges and teaching material to assist learning, which can be paired with all our products or in some instances, can be followed on their own.
Further, is our lesson library that stores over 150 hours of computer science and STEAM courses, as well as features to help with classroom management, virtual learning and so much more!