Make sure your pi-top [4] is switched off


Which cable do you have?

pi-top Display Cable

Your own HDMI cable

Find the green Display Cable and HDMI adapter shown here

You don't need the USB-A adapter.


Attach the HDMI adapter to the green Display Cable

Make sure the adapter notch highlighted below is aligned with the groove on the cable.


Plug one end of the cable into your pi-top and the other HDMI end in the monitor


Plug the HDMI end of your cable into your monitor


Plug the Micro-HDMI end of your cable into your pi-top [4]


Connect your keyboard and mouse

Use the USB ports on your pi-top to attach keyboard and mouse.


Plug in the Power Supply Unit and power up your pi-top [4]

Slide the switch to the left until the green light comes up!


You're all done!

Once your pi-top [4] has powered up, you'll see this screen on your FHD Touch Display

Now continue on your FHD Touch Display